Remote Pressure and Flow Monitoring

Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas - Ecuador

Project Overview

EPMAPA (Empresa Pública Municipal de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Santo Domingo) are responsible for the provision of water and waste water in Santo Domingo. Their mission is to contribute to the wellbeing of the Santo Domingo district, through the provision of quality services for drinking water and sewage now and for future generations.

Lack of control in the water distribution networks had created a need to monitor pipeline pressures as well as levels in the main tanks.  A solution to better control the distribution of potable water throughout the city was required.  A product to measure, record and send pressure and level data from remote locations was required.  A pilot was scheme was tested which returned 100% results thus the Cello data logger was deployed for the entire project.

Key Elements

  • Remote wireless data transfer to the Operation Department
  • Transmission of live data upon an alarm event
  • Reduce number of manual read errors
  • Battery powered for remote locations
  • Capacity to store and send data
  • Reduce operating costs
  • Control tanks overflow, wastage and drying up
  • Control water distribution to the city

Key Outcomes

  • Cello wireless data logger deployed facilitating pressure and flow signal inputs
  • Increased operational efficiency
  • Less reading and processing errors
  • Improved operational processes
  • Cost efficiency